Monday, March 30, 2015

Yiayia's California Dream

I traveled with my daughter and granddaughter to California for Amelia's job as Athletic Trainer for the University of Maryland Lacrosse Team. I said I'd go with to help, because the coach said she could take her daughter, my five month old granddaughter. Son-in-law Matt joined us on Thursday. Prior to leaving, I sent emails to all the California family members to let them know we were coming, hoping we'd be able to see some of them. This might be my new favorite way to travel! Just tell everyone where you'll be, and hope they come to see you. I'm still amazed they all came! Of course, it helps if you have a new five-month-old granddaughter for them to see!! 
I've gathered my Facebook and Instagram posts and photos here, along with additional notes and photos. 

Midnight, Monday, March 16

Packing for a trip is exhausting so I'm declaring myself finished. My back is killing me & I just want to go to sleep. They have stores pretty much everywhere, right?

Tuesday, March 17, BWI Airport

With Grandpa, before leaving for BWI.
Never imagined I'd be traveling to California with Amelia and Harper. Oh! And 50 or so Terp Lacrosse athletes!
 But here I am. Ready to go! Kiss us! We're Irish! 

Waiting at the Southwest gate for our 6:30PM flight.

On the plane. Getting a baby kiss.

Asleep within the magic infinity scarf!

Waiting for the luggage at LAX.

Wednesday, March 18

Made our way to Balboa Island for our huevos ranchero and fish taco lunch - at Wilma's Patio. Not sure I have room for my chocolate dipped frozen banana from across the street. 

(A little bit sad that I didn't have room and we never made it back so I could relive my childhood experience on Balboa Island. Probably best to keep those memories precious?)

After lunch, we tried unsuccessfully to meet up with the team. Instead we found our way to a parking spot near the 28th Street beach and walked down the sidewalk and then down to the water's edge.
A little cloudy and overcast at the 28th Street beach in Newport Beach. However, getting toes in sand and (cold) water is important when California Girls come home to California.
But wait! This day was not over yet! We figured out that sis-in-law, Tina was at her folks, which was on the way back to the hotel. 

We couldn't just drive by without visiting, and so we stopped for a short visit. Amelia needed to get back in time to go with the team to practice at a local school, but it's important for generations to meet each other. Even if they're "in-laws." Well, it's important to me!

Thursday, March 19. To San Diego

The team was going to Coronado to visit the Navy Seal training site. Amelia, Harper and I drove down separately from them, so we could do some family visiting. First stop was to have breakfast with Uncle Dan.

Then we drove to Coronado to meet the team. My friend, Diane, (who I've known since 7th grade) came over to Coronado. Thanks to her husband Mike, for driving her over. Poor Harper reached her limit after a while but Diane and I managed to have a great visit while walking Harper in the stroller, trying to keep her out of the bright sun! (As I thought about this visit, and how easy it is to get along with old friends, quotes from "Winnie The Pooh" started coming to me. I began using them for my posts.)

#1 in a series of people who drove out of their way to see us: Diane Ridge. When you've known someone nearly 50 years and they drive to Coronado to visit when you have a 2 hour window for a visit. (The sling is due to broken shoulder.)

“It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?" (A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh)

Thursday, late afternoon in Del Mar

#2 in a series of people who drove out of their way to see us: Mike's cousin, her daughter and granddaughter who drove from Poway to Del Mar for a quick dinner and many thoughts of the Suetsugu women whose spirits live on in these babies. (And thanks Bill, for taking the picture!)
Kathy, Olivia, Hannah, Harper, Amelia, Me
“I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” (A.A.Milne. Winnie the Pooh) 

Friday, March 20

In my lifelong effort to prove I am not Betty Adams (aka my mother) I did not pack my entire closet and then wear the same outfit every day. However, I am now out of clothes to wear and need my personal shopper to take care of this situation. I hate to shop.
(My mother used to come visit with way too much in her suitcase. I was just too tired on Monday night. Should have stashed at least one more shirt in my bag.)

Friday AM

#3 in a series of people who drove out of their way to see us.
Brother Tom & sis-in-law Tina from Carmel Valley, and 2nd cousin Kellie from San Clemente. Well, truth is Tom & Tina only drove 6 miles from Tina’s folks. But then they have the longest drive home, so that counts as out of their way I guess.

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” (A.A.Milne, Winnie the Pooh)

Friday afternoon 

Corona del Mar State Beach
Trust Me! My toes are in the sand.

We drove to Corona del Mar State Beach in the afternoon and niece Jama and her son Owen joined us there for some baby beach time. We didn't stay long because we didn't want to overdo it and overexpose anyone, especially the babies. But it sure was a nice little beach visit!

Friday, after the beach. Back at the hotel.

#4 in a series of people who drove out of their way to see us. Mimi, Jama & Owen. Babies, mothers, grandmothers (and Matt!)

We sat and sat in this patio area and visited to our hearts' content.
Well, truth is, our hearts would have preferred to sit and visit for days.
But Amelia had to work and babies need baths and sleep. Sigh.
I'll repeat the Milne quote here, because it truly reflects the whole day, and week.
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” (A.A.Milne, Winnie the Pooh)

Saturday, March 21

And then Saturday! #5 in a series. A visiting marathon with brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, sons, daughters, grandparents and of course, grandchildren. We took over much of the patio and stayed put, so Amelia could go back and forth between us and her athletic trainer duties with the team.

First cousins and their babies.

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.” (A.A. Milne. Christopher Robin to Pooh.)

And, as if that wasn't enough for one day, two people who have become a part of my life joined the fun. 

My fellow World War II researcher, Michelle, joined us for lunch.
Tom Cahil, 2nd from left. Ang Adams, on right.
Corsica 1944
Her Uncle Tom served with my Dad on Corsica. We've become great friends through email and Facebook. Sadly, we forgot to take a picture together so I can't document our meeting. Just know that it was important and special. Here's a photo that shows my Dad and Tom together. 

I am still a bit at a loss for words, to describe meeting my "half-sister" Mary on this visit. Here's what I wrote on Instagram, in my attempt to mark the event and maybe get used to the words.

"Seems like I should somehow mark the day I first met my half sister but first of all I hate that term. It's all so complicated and strange and words don't help at all. Maybe it's this: 16 years ago I learned I had half-siblings and yesterday I met one of them."

Mary and I with brother Mark
Even with reflection, words don't help at all. It was a special day in a very quiet, peaceful way. Who knows when I'll get back to California for additional meet-ups with Michelle or with Mary, but I do know they'll be on my itinerary, along with all the others in these pictures!

Sunday, March 22

Matt and friend at Bear Flag Fish Co.
Got our fish tacos so I guess it's time to go home.
We saved Sunday with no plans, just in case something came up. After Amelia joined the team for a morning practice, we went out to find a fish taco lunch.

Later, we returned to Corona del Mar State Beach for Harper's first Pacific sunset. 

"Sunset Blessing on our last night before returning home.Crescent moon and Venus joined in for the blessing."
And to close out the day, before heading back to the hotel for the dreaded evening of packing, we stopped for dinner at a local spot. We were able to watch the Maryland basketball team in the 3rd round of March Madness. We also let Harper play her favorite game: lick the outside of the ice water glass. We're pretty sure she's getting a tooth and ready to start eating.

Very Early Monday AM at Los Angeles International Airport 

Peace out California. You know what I always say. I only miss you when I come to visit. But I'll always love you. 
“And that, said John, is that.” (A.A. Milne)

Matt and I flew home with Harper, because Amelia had to travel with the team to Pittsburgh for a game on Tuesday. This little girl was a wonderful travel companion from start to finish! I hope I get to travel with her again!

Midnight, Monday. At home. 

I've been awake for 20 hours! That's probably enough for one day.
And finally, because this trip was all about the Maryland LAX team. Go Terps!