Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dear Maya Angelou

Dear Maya,
Nooooooooooooooo! I cried. 
And I haven’t been able to see straight all day
Thought it was an eyelash in my eye. It was.
And then the tears kept coming. 
Not crying for you. I’m happy for you.
Crying for me. Crying for all of us left behind
Always wondering how we will get by
without people like you.

Last time I heard your voice in an interview
I said to myself
I said
Listen well! 
Hear this voice! 
It won’t be long now til it is silent.

Good thing we live in a world and time
when we can still hear your recorded voice.
Now, I just wanted to let you know how much
we need your words and your voice. 
Maybe more now than ever before.
I know that as a writer, you couldn’t help but write.
I know you couldn’t help but sing, dance, learn, teach, praise, give voice.
But I still want to thank you for all of it.
Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
Love, Joni

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