Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Story You Are About to Hear

Once upon a time, 

I planned to go to grad school and law school and be a clinical psychologist with a law degree and help people. 

But then, Life. 

Also Grades. Also GRE scores.

And so I joined the ranks of working mothers, doing (to quote a favorite singer/songwriter John Stewart) “the best they could” and doing it “pretty up and walking good.” (John Stewart, "Mother Country")

And when John Hinckley shot a President and three other people and then got off on the insanity defense, I thought, well I sure am glad I won’t ever be asked to defend a client like that.

Today’s news has reminded me about all of that. And it reminded me of how, over the years, I have offered my thoughts and prayers to all the people who have had to spend their careers watching over this guy, and for the families of the four victims, and felt bad for the people who live at his mother’s residence who have to see him every day during his visits.

The other part of my initial reaction was to wonder WTH this judge was thinking?? I do not understand how he came to this decision (even with all the restrictions on JH). Then I happened to see someone claiming “of course he’s a Clinton appointee” so that explains it. Huh? I’m pretty sure that if we were a “Clinton supporter” as well as appointee, he would not have chosen this day for his decision. Optics and all that. No, I think he’s just another judge, sitting in his chambers, reviewing all the arguments and making a decision with no clue about the calendar.

Apparently, he’s done some “good work” in his career - including seeking to reverse a previous bad decision. This does not feel like a “good work” to me.

I’m not even a fan of Reagan or most of his family. But this creep shot not only a president, but three others. This release order might be legally OK. But it just doesn’t feel morally OK.

Thoughts and prayers to all remaining Reagan family members; to the James Brady family and to the two surviving victims Thomas Delahanty and Timothy J. McCarthy; and to all our civil servants who have to spend their time watching over this creep and making sure he follows the rules and stays on his drugs.

For me it’s another sad day in gun history, mental health care, and for the legal system. 

Here's my overused thought that I'm tired of posting.

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