Friday, March 20, 2020

Did You Help Keep Small Humans Alive This Week?

Hip Hip Hooray!!!

Woke up thinking about all the MOMS & DADS I know
(and sure, some grandparents and anyone caring for kids)
who struggled to get through a week at home during a pandemic 
with kids under 18 who otherwise would be at day care
At pre-school and K-12.

And of course how it's been hard for all of us to self-isolate during a pandemic.
I know I survived many trying times
with kids at home
with sick kids at home
with me sick at home
with me on bed-rest for 90 days to help a baby get born & join her big sisters

But this?
This is some order of magnitude different.
This epidemic. This pandemic.

And so I woke up thinking of all the moms and dads and their surrogates
who kept small human beings alive 
for another five days
while attempting some semblance of a schedule
while trying to keep them occupied
while trying to teach them ABCs
or geography
or how incredibly amazing it is outside
or looked up at the night sky because no one had to get up early
or baked cookies together
or visited with grandparents and aunts and uncles virtually.

I woke up thinking I need to give them a shout out.
Perhaps your kid learned their ABC's or some other useful skill this week.
Perhaps your kid didn't learn anything new this week.

But here's the question I want you to ask after you say goodnight to the kids tonight:
Well then,
Here's my
Hip Hip
A Hooray!!

[And, not to worry. I haven't forgotten the faithful health care workforce trying to keep all of us alive in the middle of a pandemic, while attempting to hold things together in our f'ckd up, so-called health-care system. May all the saints above bless them and keep them safe.]

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